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Lemon Party
Friday, November 11, 2005
This is Getting Ridiculous
At this point I have to start wondering if I am in fact arguing with a ten-year-old. IIRC there's something on our books that he flagrantly ignored. Let's see, he clearly broke the Twenty-first commandment, thou shalt fix thy obvious misspellings (which you wrote), and OMG, it looks like he himself wrote a second, redundant commandment, thou shalt take the time to spell important sentences correctly, commandment number thirty-five. WTF. IMHO we certainly didn't need two commandments to get people to spell correctly, but obviously I was mistaken. Take a look at this abomination that showed up on the radar this morning. I've TTLO of putting the spelling errors in large red letters.
I don't kno about oyu but this sounds an awful lot liek your breaking another commandment.

One sentence, four spelling errors. ROFLMAO. Not only has he written two commandments specifically against this sort of behavior, but he also has myriad methods of fixing his mistakes right at his fingertips.

turtle_07 being dumb

Right here on blogger we have a reasonably serviceable spell checker. It's admittedly imperfect (AFAIK there are no perfect spell checkers), but it does pick out the majority of your misspellings (and a fair number of things that aren't), even if its suggestions aren't always that helpful.

Check spelling, please!



Even if he wasn't aware of blogger's spell checker (which he is), he could still use MSW's superior spelling and grammar checker or any of a slew and half of free online spell checkers. Yet he didn't bother. Criminal.

gg turtle_07, gg.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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