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Lemon Party
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Beyond the Boundaries of Modern Understanding
Recently we received a comment from a fellow who operates out of this blog. I could chastise him for his senseless and extraneous frills and doodads. In other words, the entire right column of his blog is pretty much I wasteland of awfulness. Not only does it look crummy, but it is in direct violation of a Lemon Party commandment. However I'm not going to comment on that supreme lack of taste.

He also has set up a set of forums for his blog, even though he gets little to no comments normally and only one person has bothered to sign up for his forum. A person who, at this writing, has yet to post a single word, I might add. Yet I'm not going to criticize Rolando for this. Partially because there isn't a commandment specifically relating to giving yourself forums (though it probably fits into the whole stupid frills things), and because I kind of want to put forums here, even though we get about the same number of comments typically.

He also fails to post any worthwhile content and instead posts mediocre to poor photographs and links to sites that are either totally and inescapably not funny or sites that were funny, but only many years ago when they were new. This one's pretty bad, and he probably deserves to be drawn and quartered for his crimes against the Internet. Still I'm not going to call him out for being the waste of sperm and egg that he so clearly is. Instead I'm going to say this: Thanks for commenting Rolando.

Yes, it really does mean something to us when folks take the time to acknowledge they do in fact read this blog. Sure the Nudeist Colonies should be enough to convince you that we know about your comings and going whether you post or not, but it's just the little that get to you some times.

In other news, I was lying when I claimed that the third installment of the guide to squirrels would be published this week. It will not, as I have other matters to attend to. Ever so sorry folks, but you'll just have to wait until next week.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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