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Lemon Party
Friday, November 11, 2005
Oh, it's On
I'm really not sure how to take this...You certainly appear to be biting the very hand that feeds you. I mean, Christ, what could possibly compel you to do something like that? Never mind that you're posting a second update the same day. Wait...let's take a look at that, shall we? When was that ever okay? Jesus Christ, we have few enough updates as it, and you go and waste space on a Friday? Is there any good reason why this couldn't wait until Monday?...And that's assuming that it deserves an update at all. I really don't think you needed to take this off the comments page...I'm not even sure it needed to go there.

I mean, so you've got a complaint with my latest post. Fantastic. The thing was sitting on the blogger dashboard for a couple days now, and you didn't say anything then....You didn't say anything when it could have helped....You could have discussed it with me personally beforehand, or you could have even edited your comments into the thing itself long before it saw print.

So why didn't you? Either you've developed some sort of vendetta against me and just have to try to trash me in public, or you just wanted the attention, or...you haven't even logged into blogger this week. Something tells me that that's what's going on here. After all, it's not like you're supposed to be a contributing member of the blog or anything. It's not like you expressed as much disdain for all our disappearing Lemon Jockeys as I did. It isn't as if you have time to write regular updates.

Wait...it is just like that, isn't it? You have the time, you have the responsibility...and you are a hypocrite. And speaking of hypocrisy...Did you even think about the implications of your post before you made it? I think not, you lazy bastard.

You go and criticize me for allegedly breaking a commandment, but you also go and break one in the process! Ever hear of "Thou Shalt Not Overuse Emoticons?" Commandment number seven, motherfucker! Yeah, that's right...not such a big man now, eh? How does it feel to be a hypocrite?

Why should I even have to tell you this? This should really just be common sense...who can't tell that your post looks ridiculous with all those cutesy little faces? Answer me that one in the comments, folks. Do you think turtle_07 is a ridiculous hypocrite...and that emoticons should not be used in serious discussion? Sound off...

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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