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Lemon Party
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Nudeist Colony 32
This week's Nudeist Colony is dedicated to the penis. It's time once again to take a closer look at you, our doting audience. Specifically we'll be looking at how you came to be reading this very page. As usual, all referrer logs are of English-speaking Americans using Windows and Internet Explorer, unless otherwise specified.

Sat May 21 02:47:27 2005
Arabic (Saudi Arabia)
http://lemonparty.blogspot.com/2004_10_17_lemonparty_archive.html http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=nudeist&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&ei=UTF-8

Nudeist, eh? In Nudeist Colony 31 I explained the origin of nudeists. Unfortunately it turns out that, through a translation error, the subject discussed was actually something called "pogs." My apologies.

A nudeist is actually a giant space station with a superlaser powerful enough to destroy a planet. The only planet ever hit with a nudeists primary was the world of Alderaan, home Princess Leia Organa, though a prototype nudeist was tested successfully on the moon of Kessel.

The prototype, and both full-scale nudeists were destroyed by the either the Rebel Alliance or it's later incarnation, the New Republic. A similar superlaser was constructed by the Hutts, but was doomed by it's poor production values long before the New Republic destroyed near the ice world of Hoth.

Fri May 27 22:14:46 2005
http://www.altavista.com/web/results?itag=ody&q=free child nudeists&kgs=1&kls=0

I'm really not sure what anyone would want with child nudeists. Seems to me they wouldn't be all that much use until they matured into full-sized, fully-powered adult nudeists. And long before that the mother would track you down and destroy your planet. And then it really doesn't matter how many nudeists you have or what size they are.

Mon May 30 10:23:10 2005
German (Germany)
http://www.google.de/search?q=%2215 year old girl fuck%22&hl=de&lr=&start=10&sa=N

Here in America it isnn't legal to fuck fifteen-year-old girls, but, you know what, I'm willing to extend the benefit of the doubt, and I'm going to assume it's perfectly okay over there in Deutschland.

Well actually I figured I might as well be safe and do a little research. Nope. It's not legal there either. Sorry duder.

Mon May 30 09:29:11 2005

Gosh, the Japanese sure love their gigantic planet-crushing space stations don't they? We salute your dedication, brave people of Japan.

Wed Jun 15 10:26:32 2005

Nudeism, as it turns out, is not a word. Who would have thought?

Wed Jun 15 13:55:10 2005
http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr=slv1-&p=nudeist camp colonies

I had no idea there were camp colonies dedicated to nudeists, or any manner of space station for that matter. The logistics of it all just seem, well out of this world. Why would a nudeist want to go to a camp colony anyway? I wouldn't think a space station really needed that sort of thing. Actually, come to think of it, I'm not even quite sure what a camp colony would be. Seems like it's either oxymoronic or redundant, but it's not quite clear which.

Fri Jul 15 07:28:49 2005

I don't really ahve anything terribly interesting about this one, it just makes sick. I weep for humanity, and I fear it is far too late to save the race of me. I've had enough of these logs; I'm going to find myself a nudeist give this world what's coming to it.*

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

*If my plan inexplicably fails you can expect updates next week. If not, it doesn't really matter, does it?
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