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Lemon Party
Thursday, March 17, 2005
This Nudeist Colony is dedicated to Starware Search. This is the time each week that I show off some of the more interesting paths readers took to reach this premier source of wit and wisdom. As always, all referrer logs are of English-speaking Americans using Windows and Internet Explorer, unless otherwise specified. I'll be sounding off with whatever words I feel like wasting on you. Yes, tomorrow you will see the first update from our newest Lemon Jockey, and today is St. Patrick's Day. I'm a bit conflicted as I'd like you get to become intoxicated and die in a drunk-driving accident because you're all morons, but on the other hand I'd like to keep coming and reading, both to inflate my ego and to help provide entertaining referrer logs.

Mon Mar 7 01:40:29 2005
French (Canada)
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=party perversion&ei=UTF-8&fr=FP-tab-web-t&fl=0&x=wrt

Some mornings you just don't feel like getting out of bed. Hell I don't feel like getting out of bed morning, noon, or night. Sometimes you just need a special something to get your day started. For many people that special something is called caffeine. For me it's generally the suffering of the less intelligent. For one special individual its the knowledge that tonight there's going to be a party, a perverted party.

Mon Mar 7 08:04:30 2005
English (Australia)

Carver Buns: once upon a time he posted here. That time may have past, but his legacy lives on. This particular Australian went through three pages of archives searching for, I suppose pictures of the elusive Carver Buns, nudeist poster. I would say that he was disappointed but not as disappointed as he would have been had he actually found such image. Trust me, it is with good reason that we try not to let any images of him get onto the interwebnation superhighway.

Mon Mar 7 12:37:42 2005

This one is may be nigh unreadable for some of you, but even the mean lackwit ought to be capable of deducing that this has to with the song "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow" from the hit motion picture O Brother, Where Art Thou? based on Homer's Odyssey. Specifically this was a google search for guitar tabs. Lemon Party is not in the business of providing guitar tabs, so the search seems to have been at least temporarily stymied. Interestingly enough the searcher was not content at seeing that we had nothing of the sort, and he resorted to checking Google's cached version of our page. Shockingly enough, this was also completely bereft of guitar tabs.

Tue Mar 8 09:14:32 2005
http://search.yahoo.co.jp/bin/query?p=nudeist beach&fr=top%2c top

Little known fact: there are no nudeist beaches in Japan. That's why this fellow had to use Yahoo to look for one. Unfortunately for him, there are no nudeist beaches anywhere because "nudeist" is not a word. He was not able to grasp this immediately and read three pages of archives. Hopefully he understands now. Beach is word, though, just in case you were wondering.

Tue Mar 8 16:30:04 2005
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=examples %22delicious irony%22&ei=UTF-8&fr=slv1-&fl=0&x=wrt

This person most likely has a tumor in his brain. Ironically enough his search for examples of delicious irony turned up a page that has all those words, but no examples. What delicious irony! Truly, it is like rain on your wedding day! Verily, it is a free ride when you've already paid. Simply put, it is the good advice that you just didn't take. Who would have thought? It figures.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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