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Lemon Party
Friday, May 13, 2005
Reports of Our Demise Have Been Highly Exaggerated
Hello there friend. I see that you are reading an update on Lemon Party. Good for you. You may have noticed that the recent archives are somewhat spotty. Our output has been noticeably low for the last several weeks and the content has been somewhat nonstandard. You are free to interpret "nonstandard" as a euphemism for just plain weird if you are so inclined. At any rate it has either gone down in quality or at least sideways. Neither of those possibilities seems optimal to me, but alas that is the state of things. Factors beyond my control have made it difficult for your Lemon Jockeys to provide you with content as regularly as you might have liked.

However I am at work on a compromise of sorts. Soon (I'm thinking week after next, most likely) we shall be having a five update week. A article queue stuffed to the bursting with prolix verbiage. So why is this a compromise? Well these updates will not resemble classic Lemon Party updates. Any mention of blogs and blogging will be tangential at best. You see, I'm going to show you why I haven't been writing my standard fare. It shall be a day in the life of a Lemon Jockey stretched out over a standard working week. If it goes well enough and we remain unable to provide old school updates we'll be giving you a week of turtle_07's existence as well. He may not be up to the task though, which would mean that I would be simulating a far more interesting life for him.

Anyway that's the big idea, and I'll also be trying to tie up some loose ends next week. There is a slight possibility that we'll be employing a new writer, but don't hold your breath. You will, however, be seeing at least one update from one of the lesser stars of the Lemon Party galaxy.

Finally I would like to leave with a single discussion question, because, frankly, I don't feel like padding this update with meaningful content. Why do you read blogs and/or write in your own? Now go and discuss my children. If you say anything noteworthy in the comments I'll be sure to address your points when next I write.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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