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Lemon Party
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Newd 22
This is what I like to call a "Nudeist Colony." The Nudeist Colony is the my weekly update sharing the most interesting referrer logs of last week. That is, I'm showing you the sites from which people came to this page. As usual, all referrer logs are of English-speaking Americans using Windows and Internet Explorer, unless otherwise specified.

Wed Jan 26 12:06:31 2005
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=nudeist pics&fr=my_top

This is the hip pervert's web search. No pictures here, no sir we're all about the "pics." Yes, apparently there are hip perverts. Can't say I'm surprised to discover that they cannot, in fact, spell.

Thu Jan 27 14:39:42 2005
http://search.yahoo.com/search/msie?p=nudeist camps with pictures&o=1&m=i&a=fd&ei=UTF-8

Yes, he really did include the word "with" in his search. For those keeping score at home this is what I tend to refer to as "dumb." I think it's also interesting to note that he specified that his pictures be of nudeist camps. Maybe there's some sort of stigma associated with colonies. I can't imagine what the problem with nudeists outside of camps could be. Actually I know very well what the problem with "nudists" outside their camps is. Ugly naked people should be concentrated in camps far away from the public eye. But if you're specifically looking for "nudeists" you wouldn't really care where they were, would you? I don't get it, but I'm not dumb.

Thu Jan 27 13:30:55 2005
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=nudeism&sm=Yahoo%21 Search&toggle=1&ei=UTF-8&pstart=1&fr=FP-tab-we

There seems to be a bottomless well of interest in nudeists and nudeism. God must really love me.

Thu Feb 3 15:14:45 2005
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=12 year old girl rape pics&sm=Yahoo%21 Search&toggle=1&ei=UTF-8&xa

I love my job. I love knowing that folks like this are among my loyal reader base. Simply looking at images of rape isn't enough for him. No, no, no, this guy needs it to be twelve-year-olds catching. Again I really don't see why eleven-year-olds and thirteen-year-olds are any worse than twelve-year-olds, but who am I to argue with paedophiles? Arguing with them means I need to come visit them at their cells.*

Fri Feb 4 23:46:18 2005
MacOS (MacPPC)
Netscape 5

Each Nudeist Colony brings in ever more wackjobs and nutcases. Even as I castigate them I lure more in. It's rather depressing, but I can't seem to stop myself. If you aren't familiar with BlogSearchEngine.com try using common sense. If that's still not enough, and you're unwilling to click the link (even though there is no objectionable material), it's a search engine specifically oriented on blogs. The search was for "incest," not "blogs" and "incest."

Fri Feb 4 21:09:02 2005
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=lemon party %2B pictures&fr=FP-tab-web-t&toggle=1&ei=UTF-8

If you were curious this search turned up zero results containing images of Lemon Party. We're the only result that even linked to the original site, and this guy was apparently asking "rest of series plz." Yes, I look at all results when I write these. Have a little more respect now? You probably just think I'm foolhardy. Well no, I've just developed a rather high tolerance for Internet awfulness. These features have helped, but you should know by now that I'm a cold, cold bastard.

Sat Feb 5 21:48:50 2005
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Ari Rabin-Havt&ei=UTF-8&fl=0&xargs=0&pstart=1&fr=FP-tab-web-t&b=11

This is my favorite of this week's crop. You've probably forgotten why that particular name turned us up, and, frankly, I'm not surprised. Suffice to say that during my brief stint examining political blogs I perused the JohnKerry.com blog. One of the principal writers of that blog was none other than Mr. Ari Rabin-Havt. Unsurprisingly I said some things that were not overly nice. There the story ended. Until now. That searcher may very well have been Mr. Rabin-Havt himself. It's not like anyone else would bother searching for him, and he could have been somewhat miffed by the unkind things I wrote. We could be experiencing some sizeable drama quite soon. In fact he may have already sent a rather nasty email, which I will publish tomorrow with my snarky comments appended. Check back to this space for further information.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

*Yes I know it's wishful thinking to assume all the pedos are in prison. Please, spare me my self-deceit; it's all that keeps me going on.
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