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Lemon Party
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Sometimes you dream...
Last night I dreamt... I dreamt that zombies were taking over the Earth, and humanity as we knew it was doomed. The strange thing was that no one was really frightened by this prospect. In fact one of my friends had gotten bitten, and his hand was already going zombie on him, but it was all cool, you know? I'm sure you do.

Anyways, I decide to head over to my zombie friend's house. Not the friend who was going to be bitten, but a friend who was a zombie but was given back his humanity by a wacky wizard or something. My wacky troupe (I can't remember who they are) and I all headed over there for one reason or another. They all had lunch or some shit in the kitchen while I met with this one dude.

We totally tramped around his house (it wasn't just his house) for a while until I decided to eat a zombie rock and become a zombie... but I would be given another rock (i'm not sure what it was for, I'm sure it was to give me back my humanity though). So we go up this ridiculously long stairwell, only to find that it was the wrong room. So we go up another equally long stairwell, only to find that we were unable to find the box with zombie rocks in it. Luckily another zombie (with humanity returned) shows up with the box marked TT and I eat a rock.

So my first thought is "what the hell," my second thought is: you better go to school, and my third thought is: fuck my physics test. It's not until my 29320 thought when I suddenly decide to post this on LemonParty, and it's not until the 29325th thought that I decided to try to figure out what that the dream meant. As I've been taking a horror films course, and anything with zombies is horror, so I'm pretty sure that I can figure out what my inner director was trying to get across with this dream.

In the first paragraph you'll notice that no one is really worried about the eventual zombie infestation. As we all know zombies are mindless sheep... much like consumers. In this age of consumerism (it's always important to remember when the film was made) it seems like fewer and fewer people really care that everything important to us has been bastardized in order to sell us more products. The fact that one of my close friends didn't seem to mind his eventual transformation only further proves my point.

In the second paragraph I go to visit the zombies with their humanity returned. This, of course, implies that in this wacky world, there is still an underground. There is still a force fighting for our souls, though they must become corrupted to do it. The fact that a wizard did it only reinforces the idea that although it might have seemed impossible, it still happened. The fact that my friends and I split up is an icon of all horror movies. They always split up.

In the third paragraph I decide to join the underground by eating this so called "zombie rock." This part is what makes me think there will be a sequel dream. For one we don't actually know what this zombie rock is or what it does. We also don't know if the other rock will help me keep my humanity, will I be forced to join the flock, who the fuck knows?

Man that was frightening... luckily it was all a dream. OR WAS IT?

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

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