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Lemon Party
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Fifteen Nudeists Colonized America in the year 1569
And that is why Europe seems so much better.

If I had stopped writing Nudeist Colony updates after the first fourteen this update would not have been written. Just saying, that's all. Today's Nudeist Colony contains a number of listings. Each entry contains the actual data of an Internet browser who stopped by our illustrious website. As usual I have given date, time, resolved domain, IP address, the page viewed, and the page the reader was referred from. All users are assumed to be English-speaking Americans using Windows and IExplore unless otherwise indicated. My comments follow each entry. With that out of the way, let's dive in, hey!

Sun Dec 19 00:01:21 2004

This particular search criteria is the origin of this weekly series' title. For a brief time we had a poster who went by the nom de plume "Carver Buns, the Nudeist Poster." That misspelling and the subsequent spelling errors that would litter his posts were intended as part of Jeff K-esque gimmick. Or so he said. I'm inclined to believe that he was just rather stupid. Regardless, though he no longer writes for us his legacy lives on. Whether his legacy is something to be proud of is a hotly debated question. If you have strong feelings one way or the other feel free to leave comments.

Sat Dec 18 21:35:35 2004
English (Canada)

More of Carver Buns' influence here, but this time our poor-spelling fetishist is a Canadian. This is particularly amusing because Carver Buns is seeking Canadian citizenship to keep us from punishing him fully for his dereliction of Lemon Jockey duties. Such is the life of one with little aptitude for spelling.

Thu Dec 23 23:45:27 2004
http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/search?invocationType=topsearchbox.%2Faol%2Findex.jsp&query=lemon part

This is, at first glance, an unspectacular referrer log. "It's probably just a typo," you might say. I might be inclined to say the same myself if it were not for one thing. That one thing follows now.

Thu Dec 23 23:59:01 2004
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-34,GGLD:en&q=lemon part

Yes that's two hits for "lemon part." Notice that they're within fifteen minutes of each other. Also worth noting is that both of them viewed two different pages of our site via their aol and google searches, and combined they managed to hit ten pages of our archives. It's possible they both made typos, but it's far more likely they wanted their searches to pick up "lemon parties" as well as "lemon party." This is foolish, to say the least. Take a look at the search results if you doubt me. It is also a little scary that these folks expected to be able find multiple Lemon Parties. Do you really need more than one? And do you really think a second Lemon Party would have the same infernal majesty? This art we're talking about here. You can't just make a second Mona Lisa, can you? You could make a copy of the original, but that's not the same and we all know it. You can't make a better Lemon Party; you can't even make an equal Lemon Party. Anything you attempt is doomed to failure before it is even begun. With that cheery thought I leave you.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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