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Lemon Party
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Voting and You
Let's be honest, politics are scary. It seems like the more you know the worse and worse it gets. The radio, the TV, the newspaper all reveal to us on a daily basis what sort of evils go on behind our backs. Promises of puppy dogs and candy pops eventually give way to rabid puppy dogs and poison candy pops. Politicians suck.

First off you have our current president, George W Bush (while Odovaucer might endorse him, I do not). This is a man who has done nothing in office it seems but screw over America and go to war (for the good of America). Our education is gone, but at least we're kicking some commie ass over in Iraq, oh yeah, you're going to be drafted to. Wonderful, just wonderful. Every single day I wake up and I get angrier and angrier. More and more information comes out about how terrible Bush is, you can't escape it, it's everywhere.

Before I go into Kerry, I'm going to be honest. I don't follow Kerry was much as I do Bush, I think that he's a better candidate. Now that doesn't mean for one instant that he is, it's just my opinion. As much as I think that Bush twists the truth, surely something he's said about Kerry must be true, and given that he's said a whole lot about Kerry there's got to be a good deal of bad. Kerry has a record, and it's not all good.

Are these the kind of people that you want running your country? I'm honestly not sure how you could (without blind faith) support either one of these people. Time and time again we (the voters... err... well technically I'm not 'legally' allowed to vote) extend our faith and each time we're ripped to shreds by the cuisinart of life. It's come to the point where I'm afraid to even look out the window without hearing about how Kerry/Bush made a deal with the devil and they lied and now we're all going to die! I for one, am sick of it.

unfortunately the age old idea that 'all politicians are liars' is true. There is no getting around it; every politicians has done something terrible/will lie to us and fuck us over. Luckily for us however, not all age old ideas are bad. Some are in fact very, very good... some in fact... will save us. You see my friends, ignorance is bliss.

Our salvation? Badnarik. Don't know who he is? Good. Ok... maybe not good. He's the libertarian candidate. However knowing nothing else about his is good, ignorance is bliss as I said. The main stream media doesn't seem to cover him, you only hear about him in passing, it's fantastic. Fantastic for you I mean, I'm not just making fun of him. I'll go into more detail. I've already told you all that politicians lie and we all agree with that. You'll notice however that we have no idea who this Badnarik is, we haven't heard of him. As long as we don't know what his campaign is based on we can't be lied to because we didn't know what he promised in the first place!

It's perfect! I mean we can't stop politicians from lying and screwing us over, but at least we can stop being lied to. If all outcomes are the same, if eventually we will reach that large black hole, then we might as well go there feeling like we weren't cheated out of our candy.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

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