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Lemon Party
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Tuesdays With Forrie: The Nudeist Colony

Hey everyone, it's time once again to take a closer look at you, our audience! Last week, you may recall, I promised to type an outlandish assortment of gobbledygook if there was a search for "nudeist" in the logs. There was. I faithfully reproduced and did my damnedest to pronounce it.

Tue Sep 7 03:44:22 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (Australia)
http://websearch.optusnet.com.au/search/optusnet?p=nudist party pics&submit.x=35&submit.y=10&ei=UTF

Well, what do you know, someone spelled it right. Someone looking for "nudist party pics," though. That means that this person is smart enough to spell the word correctly but not smart enough to keep from searching for it. How saddening. This fellow sewarched through several pages of archives in a vain quest for pics.

Tue Sep 7 15:54:15 2004
MacOS (MacPPC)

Oh. My. God. How utterly grotesque. I can truthfully say that I have never before encountered this particular perversion. I suppose it's not that bizarre a fetish, but I have simply never even thought of it before. Yet again the depravity of the Internet makes me feel so very sweet and innocent. Actually it doesn't. Now that I've seen this I feel even more jaded and cynical. Still, it would've been nice to be a naive little girl.

Tue Sep 7 16:04:58 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United States)


Tue Sep 7 23:00:05 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=write a lovenote to your crush&ei=UTF-8&fr=logout&n=20&fl=0&x=wrt

Wait, what? "Write a lovenote to your crush?" What the hell does that have to do with Lemon Party? A quick perusal of the archive page in question reveals t hat turtle_07 is the cause of this surprise visit. Yet another reason to strangle him.

Wed Sep 8 20:29:14 2004
Windows 98 (Win32)
English (United States)
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=insult redheads&ei=UTF-8&n=20&fl=0&xargs=0&pstart=1&fr=FP-tab-web-

Alright, now we've found something truly astounding. This individual is something utterly different our usual readers. This guy is so fucking awesome that I am, right now, officially offering him a place as a Lemon Jockey. That's right, if yuo're the guy who found us by searching for "insult redheads" you are officially invited to write for us. Only a man of true distinction would be combing the internet for insults to redheads. Only a true American hero.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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