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Lemon Party
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Oh My, Oh My
Today is Thursday. Sometimes I update Lemon Party on Thursdays. I am now updating. On Thursday. I am posting letters that form words that form sentences that form paragraphs that form an update.

Now what did you think of that paragraph? I bet you didn't like it very much. Actually I'm not going to make that bet because about a quarter of you are here because you thought you'd find pictures of "nudeists." It didn't have any real pizazz because every sentence sounded the same. I am, I am, Iam, ad infinitum. Well "On Thursday." didn't begin with "I am," but that wasn't a sentence so the point is moot.

The point is that in recent times we haven't really been talking about blogs all that much. We got a little burned out. Go ahead and bitch all you want, but don't worry about the future of Lemon Party. There are absurd depths of unspeakable stupidity left to plumb. Still, we're going to stay away from regular old blogs for a little while longer.

You see there's this whole political thing going on. And associated with the whole political thing is the whole political blog thing. So I'm going to spend a little time bitching about that.

But not today. Today I'm giving you a heads up. Because I know how sensitive you people are to change. And because I'm lazy. Mostly because I'm lazy.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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