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Lemon Party
Friday, September 24, 2004
The Colony in the Clouds: Five Nudeists
So the other two posters seem to ahve rediscovered their metaphorical voices this week. I can't say I'm upset about ending my brief return to the position of sole Lemon Jockey. In fact I was so pleased that I decided not to bother posting anything this week. But then I realized the level of refferer log shenanigans you'd be missing and I couldn't help myself.

Thu Sep 16 20:39:24 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United States)

In case that one's too complicated for you here's the exact text he typed into the search engine: suicides commited after september 1, 200. Now I'm getting the vague sensation that there probably aren't any records of the number of suicides since the year 200. Actually I'm certain there are none because I checked just now. What this guy was probably actually looking for was the number of suicides since September 11, 2001. First of all, that's stupid thing to search, the number of suicides since then is an utterly meaningless number. Now if you were to examine yearly suicide numbers for the last ten years, then you might get some meaningful data, but not useful data. This is a stupid pointless search, the stupidity of which is compounded by its wretched execution. By leaving off the final digits of the day and year our intrepid searcher will be just as likely to find the number of suicides since September 12, 2002, September 19, 2004, September 15, 2001, September 11, 2002, onward and upward; the list goes on ad infinitum. Summary: this bloke is stupid and he's searching for stupid stats.

Fri Sep 17 01:05:22 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United States)

Fame is double-edged sword. We're moving on now.

Fri Sep 17 04:48:09 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United Kingdom)

Please stop hurting me, Jesus.

Fri Sep 17 09:30:50 2004
Windows 98 (Win32)
English (United States)

Maybe they're all cousins spread out across the globe, sharing fetish and meager education.

Thu Sep 23 23:05:29 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United States)

Oh great. A misspelled fetish applied to kiddie porn. Child pornography /= legal. I'm going to say that one again. CHILD PORNOGRAPHY DOES NOT EQUAL LEGAL! Plus he's using dogpile as his search engine. Will the idiocy never cease? Will I finally be driven insane by the endless stream of idiots reading my precious, precious work? Tune in next week for yet another episode of the "Nudeist Colony."*

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

*I'm quivering in fear already.
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