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Lemon Party
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
This Is Going to Become a Weekly Exercise in Masochism
Referrer logs. Referrer logs are a Pandora's box I am starting to wish I had not opened, but, as the metaphor implies, I always have hope that the logs will show me something nice. Come one, come all, and see what I got instead. I should referencing Greek mythology and epic poetry, but it's just so addictive.

Fri Aug 20 02:37:50 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United States)
http://lemonparty.blogspot.com/2004_07_04_lemonparty_archive.html#108917905777590299#108917905777590299#108917905777590299#108917905777590299 Bookmark or Typed

Okay, that's just creepy. I refuse to believe that someone typed that. And why anyone would bookmark a specific update is beyond me. The only answer is that someone sent an acquaintance the address of a that particular update. As to why the buffoon wouldn't just use the far simpler method, lemonparty.blogspot.com, I have no answer. It's not like the article in question wasn't front page at the time.

Wed Aug 25 15:48:58 2004
Windows 98 (Win32)
English (United Kingdom)

Yes, it happened again. This British fucktard wouldn't take no for an answer. He stormed through five pages of archives before giving up on his bizarre quest.

Wed Aug 25 15:50:42 2004
Windows 98 (Win32)
English (United Kingdom)

Oh wait, he didn't give up. He persisted in his vain search for "Nudeists." This is the closest I've ever come IP banning. Yes, I seriously contemplated IP banning him just for searching yahoo for "nudeist" twice. I didn't though. We're not proud enough here to pick our readers through such direct methods. We just insult them until they leave.

Sun Aug 29 21:22:13 2004 Windows NT (Win32) English (United States) MSIE 6 cache6-2.jed.isu.net.sa http://lemonparty.blogspot.com/2004_02_08_lemonparty_archive.html http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=cuba bitches party&ei=UTF-8&cop=mss&fr=FP-tab-web-t&b=11

Just what is a "Cuba bitches party?" If anyone knows please respond via comments or email, because my curiosity is genuinely piqued. That was a lie. I really don't care why anyone thought a blog would yield some meaningful answer bitches partying in Cuba.

Sun Aug 29 22:31:02 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United States)
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=definition%3A tubgirl&ei=UTF-8&fr=FP-tab-web-t-130&n=20&fl=0&x=wrt

The definition of tubgirl is you're a moron. Jesus Christ, it's not a complicated concept I'm sure someone must have been able to explain it to you in little words. Or at least told you where to find it. But no, you had to search yahoo for the DEFINITION OF TUBGIRL. At least it wasn't "nudeist."

Sun Aug 29 22:48:51 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United States)
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=15 year old girl pic&ei=UTF-8&cop=mss&xargs=0&pstart=1&fr=FP-tab-w

Pedophilia is sometimes referred to as a taboo. It's something very real, but not something of which people want to admit the reality. I certainly did not want to see it really showing up here. This isn't even "real" pedophilia. The pedophiles priests and all that jazz was about much younger children. Pubescent as opposed to adolescent marks. Trails of lollipops leading to nondescript vans with painted windows. Greasy, porcine men known only as "Couter." Fifteen year old girl pictures are just pathetic. This fellow wants the rush of illegal porn, but not the actuality of it. No interest in nasty little kids. Pathetic. Worst pedophile ever.

Sun Aug 29 22:50:03 2004
Windows NT (Win32)
English (United States)
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=15 year old girl pic&ei=UTF-8&cop=mss&xargs=0&pstart=1&fr=FP-tab-w

Not only was he the worst pedophile ever, but he also went half a dozen pages of the archive searching in vain for "15 year old girl pics." And then searched yahoo again. And clicked our link again. Pedophiles are not smart people. Especially not shitty pedophiles like this one.

That's enough for this week, I think. Be sure to come back next week though, because I've got plenty more referrer log catastrophes to show you.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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