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Lemon Party
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Your Three Favorite Types of Lies
Editor's Note: This week's articles have been delayed due to unexpected downtime on the part of Blogger. You'll be getting a reasonable number of updates with reasonable post dates; they just won't necessarily be ready on those post dates. Just a little patience and everything will be fine.

Well I think yesterday was enough of that starry-eyed dreaming. Which is a good thing as today I have something of import to impart. Remember the last time you received a commandment from up on high? Well it certainly was a while ago. We've slowed as there are a finite number of broad rules to blogging. We've stretched them to a certain extent, I mean we could've just said, "Don't be a fucking moron, cockface," and that would have pretty much covered it. Still, we wanted to drag it out to make sure you got all the nuances of that rather broad instruction.
That's a backstory of sorts for what I have today is new commandment. This new commandment is something that should not have escaped our notice for so long, but alas I am only now inveighing against its proliferation. It is not a new phenomenon, but it stayed under the radar until I was referred to this post. Now, what happened it that post shows us two major holes in our current suite of commandments, but that doesn't mean I'm going to break our unwritten rule on commandments per update. Actually it's not so much an unwritten rule as an unspoken rule. It's really an entirely undiscussed rule. Actually it's not a rule at all; it's just something that ended up happening.
Enough of this rather silly distraction, we need to get back to the matter at hand wearing her high-heel shoes and her low-neck sweater. That livejournal update contained the these words: "98% of teenagers do or have tried pot. If you're one of the 2% that hasn't, put this in your journal." If you haven't yet, take the time to read the comments on the post; don't worry, we'll wait for you. The poster who referred to himself as "Trazzy" should have laid out a very clear explanation of just why the statistic was almost certainly a pack of lies. A pair of anonymous posters followed that up by rubbing the blogger's nose in his bullshit. They seem to have done an admirable job of this, and I don't feel obliged to add my own invective to the firestorm. So the question is "why did he think he could get away with such any obviously bullshit statement?" One answer is that he was expecting all his little friends to softball him. After all, who let their friends know when they're making fools of themselves? Or maybe he just didn't bother to think about he was reguritating onto his keyboard. That's certainly a common behavior in the blogging game. I think the most important and most accurate answer is that he did it because someone else did first. Peer pressure, even unintentional peer pressure, is very powerful. If your friends post something and tell you to follow suit, what are you really going to do? Well, I want to make sure it's clear that somebody else's witticism, statistic, or graphic has no place in your blog. If you're so impressed link to it, don't use it instead of your content. Chances are anything you do has been done better by someone else, but don't worry. Better to do something mediocre that parrot someone else's work. Fastening the shackles yourself doesn't make you any less a slave.

That's all for tonight, kids. Come back tomorrow and see which Lemon Jockey gives you your final dose of Lemony Justice for the week.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

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