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Lemon Party
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Wanna Be an LJ?
Editor's Note: This week's articles have been delayed due to unexpected downtime on the part of Blogger. You'll be getting a reasonable number of updates with reasonable post dates; they just won't necessarily be ready on those post dates. Just a little patience and everything will be fine.

So you're back from the weekend for another taste of Lemony goodness, eh? Can't say I'm surprised. It's not like you have anything better to do after all. Last week was a departure from the week before, but that week was a departure from its predecessor. Don't interpret this as a pattern of any sort though. I can make no guarantees as to the Lemon Party posting schedule until the ranks have swelled.

I will, however, let you in on one possibility. I would hope to have four reasonably dedicated posters. Each of these writers would be assigned a day and have an update ready for that day every week. Our more astute readers will recognize that leaves a fifth day (excluding weekends). That fifth day, most likely Wednesday, would be a special feature day. Each week one of the less consistent writers would be given a slot. One week you might catch a dose of CarverBuns' "nudeist" posting, the next it might be the second coming of Lemon Party intern diofjawiod. As to the regulars, well you could expect turtle_07 and me, certainly. We're not going anywhere, but we'd need new writers for the other two slots. Penguininja isn't going to be coming up with a weekly column; actually I don't think he's up to writing at all. I think he's dead. But that's probably just wishful thinking. I'm sure he's just decided not to grace us with his wit and wisdom, or at least what he uses in their stead.

So that setup is a distant future if it truly is a future. For now we're only looking for one more to pick up some of the work. I have received responses, but no one has so impressed as to guarantee the job. In other words, the field is still wide open. Which reminds me of this here site. Take a look. See what you think of his posting style and his poetry. Check out his musical preferences. In case you haven't yet discovered this is what is known as a "satirist." In other words what I'm saying is that he isn't taking himself seriously and is parodying the very people we're trying to stamp out with education over here. If you take a look at the comments on his entries you'll see that quite a few have been taken in by his elaborate antics. How anyone can take him seriously after reading one of the poems about Gollum cutting his arms is beyond me, but that is neither here not there. I'm bringing him up because he certainly seems a very Lemony fellow. A very Lemony fellow is just what we're looking fro in our posters. You'll notice that he hasn't written anything over there in a while, but I'm letting you know now that there is a very decent chance that deadsoul666hate will be a Lemon Party poster in the not too distant future.

Don't worry though, if he shows up it will in addition to upcoming selection from the reader pool. Speaking of that promotion, I've officially christened it the "Wanna Be an LJ?" contest because I feel like piggy-backing someone else's gimmick and because I want to start calling myself a Lemon Jockey. Before we conclude there will be a SPECIAL PROMOTIONAL ICON just for this search for another LJ. So don't be shy folks, send an email to Odovaucer@gmail.com and show me why you should be the newest LJ!

This is Odovaucer, Lemon Jockey hoping for more responses and pressing the post button.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

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