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Lemon Party
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
I've decided to stop wearing pants. From now on, hosues are the only apparel for me. Let's look at the reader response to that which is hosues. I asked these individuals for their opinions on hosues. Here's what they said.

d34thk1tt3n: hot

lewisbcrazy: wtf are hosues?

RageButterfly04: what're hosues?

SmarterChild: That's a fine question, but I can't really be sure.

dekoy269: who are u

backattheend: that depends on whether or not my asbestos body works or just causes cancer

krazygal2006: Tumbling, then going to the new driver's house-rachel. Be back by midnight. Cell's on, give a ring. 410 236 1882. So long.

sXyGrLpRiNceSs69: Very hot! ;-)

lewisbcrazy: hot

EatDrinkNbMary86: well i could go either way, depending on my mood

SmarterChild: What do you think is the answer?

EatDrinkNbMary86: right now i'm going to say hot

staydangerous15: i have no idea what that is

SmarterChild: Amazing!

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I R Teh Awsum111: I am of the steadfasr opinion that hosues are quite the hot commodity.

staydangerous15: i guess i'd be interested

RageButterfly04: those are usually hot?

backattheend: sure

dekoy269: great, who are u

SmarterChild: I can't find "hosu" in the dictionary. Try one of these:

1 hos
2 hose
3 Host
4 hosp
5 host

Type "more" to see more suggestions for "hosu."

spiderdrakee: god I'm getting fat*

And there you have it. Hosues are the next big thing. Get yours today! But I was going to talk about something else today. O hay, blogs.

Last week we mentioned that this young lady failed to respond to my ever so innocent survey. Either she hasn't noticed it or it simply includes too many words she doesn't understand. However this should not convince she's not a source of comedy. As an experiment I have corrected the entire thread's spelling and grammar. I found it an amusing experiment.

Tommorow will be denouement for dearest skippy.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

*Some elements of these conversations have been withheld, but no one has been misquoted.
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