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Lemon Party
Friday, May 21, 2004
lol hay gimmick wuts up? :coal:
Today is a day much like any other. Or is it? Ponder that for a moment while I collect my thoughts. Of course I didn't need to do that because I can take as long as I want to collect my thoughts and you'd never see the break. Strange that I obviously decided to leave that in there. I suppose it was to create the versimilitude that I have now destroyed. Oh well. Or as they say in Hell "le sigh."*

Alright that was going nowhere so I'm going to talk about commenting instead. Specifically gimmicks. Now you all know that commenting on people's blogs has been royally fucked up by most everyone. But I've helped you overcome some of that, I hope. Still my prior suggestions for for the serious response, now it's time to work on your humor. Gimmick commenting is just that: humor. Well it's intended to be humor; things don't always work out as you hoped. First off let's decide what we mean by gimmick commenting. For now our working definition is "A comment placed with no intention but to provide amusement for the poster and/or the reader(s) and/or create delicious delicious irony." So telling a joke as part of your serious comment doesn't count. Only if the entire comment involves one's tongue firmly planted in one's cheek does it meet a definition. Now you may notice that that definition can be divided into sub-categories, to whit:

a) provides amusement to the poster
b) provides amusement to the reader(s)
c) creates delicious delicious irony visible to the poster
d) creates delicious delicious irony visible to the reader(s)

And let is not forget to mention that there is yet another point of division:

a) commenting as oneself
b) commenting as another individual
c) commenting as a heretofor unknown entity (i.e. pure gimmick)

As may be apparent from my use of italics, the pure gimmick is the most important section. Pure gimmick is the most intense, most, well for lack of a better word, pure. Your identity cannot be argued with by the prior owner of the name, and your readers will (if you do your job well) be guessing till the end if you're "for real."

This seems like a lot to swallow, I know, which is why today has merely been an overview. Next week we're going to get down to brass tacks so to speak and dig into gimmickry. So until then enjoy your weekend and

Remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

*I certainly hope they say it there because that's where they belong, fucking fairies.
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