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Lemon Party
Friday, May 14, 2004
a bit of a Diversion
Perhaps you recall something that happened a long time ago. I spoke of proper material for one's blog. Specifically that if one did not want certain data to be privy to certain persons then perhaps it would a good idea not to post it in one's blog. Especially when that data pertains to sexual acts performed with a high school senior performed without the knowledge of that high school senior's significant other. Not that something like that would happen; I just thought that perhaps it would serve as a theoretical example. Regardless, you should not be posting secrets on internet. It's just stupid. And yes, that includes putting them in comments. Comments are just as public, which means they're just as likely to get read. So don't be a fucktard.

But that's not all for today. In rare fit of conscientiousness I decided to lengthen an enry when I could have kept it short. Short like my cock. Oh wait. I meant your mom. Wait that doesn't matter. I meant your mom's cock. Ha, your mom has a small cock. Okay that was a bit of subject. Actually I can't really say that as I don't have a clearly defined subject. You see I was about to when I got distracted by your mom. So let's forget about her for a moment, and let's forget about her stupendous oral skills. And move on to blogs. Specifically let's talk about Lemon Party.

Now you may know that livejournal.com and deadjournal.com allow you to set interests through which other live/deadjournal users can find you. Now on a whim I checked to see how many of you decided to list us as one of your interests. Well the results were saddening. No one on deadjournal listed "Lemon Party" as an interest and on livejournal...well the results were more than a little lackluster. In fact they sucked hard. We have a glue eater, someone's "dying wish," and a community devoted to poprocksuicide. The glue eater is a bad gimmick (That idea needs to be explored further. Expect more writings on gimmicks in the near future) and the dying wish is long and angsty and booooooring. Unsurprisingly. That leaves the community for some cheap amusement.

The stupidity there is also beyond the pale. Such utter stupidity that I simply cannot do it justice here. You really can do nothing but check it out for yourselves. That or not do anything. I'm guessing you'll do nothing. I'm sort of resigned to it. Yet I'm still here trying to coaxe you into showing your interest in something other than passive lurking. So maybe think about adding your interests to your list of interests? Just maybe? Think about it. I'd tell you to ask your mother, but she's busy.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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