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Lemon Party
Thursday, April 15, 2004
Let's talk about perversion
Holy cow, this might actually be my first update with a point, and a matching title no less. Sometimes I'm so insane that there is rhyme to my reason, a method to my madness so to speak. Not that there isn't usually a method to my madness, but this time it's readily apparent and doesn't require removing your brain to understand.

Hoo, so, we're here to talk about perversion, which I'm sure that you all know a lot about. I of course am the logical person to discuss it as I have been called, on occasion, the most perverted person on Lemon Party, probably because of the multiple entries were I describe women doing... stuff... ANYWAY, that's not important. What is important is that I am going to teach you about perversion.

Now, you're probably all familiar with the usual meaning of the word perversion, and it's many spin off words, like perverse. More than likely you call some of your friends perverted. Now that's all fine and good, but just because you think you already know a word doesn't mean that you're automatically going to pass the test (yes there will be a test later). We will be discussing something besides the normal perversion, we will instead be discussing the perversion of an idea.

Not really, I'm not nearly that clever. We'll just be talking about... or more correctly I'll be complaining about how the internet sucks, a lot. Before I can go into why this requires a short, about two sentence story where I explain how I came to this conclusion and yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda. Anyways, it was a favorite of mine to look for prospective Lemon Party candidates by searching for stupid things through the interest function. I looked through poems, stories, sex, vampires, punk, lavigne... and all sorts of good shit, ya? Now recently I've had some sort of strange thing where if I can't think of anything to say, I say "OMG hat." It's worked quite well for me for the past few days, and I thought that it would continue to work well for me.

W-R-O-N-G wrong, damn was I wrong. Searching for hat (more specifically hats) doesn't come up with multiple whimsical communities based on what hats look good or whatnot (which I would have found very amusing and featured on Lemon Party commending them), I instead found all sorts of communities about hussies, and whores, and punks, and oh god it's terrible. You should go look for yourself.

So what does this have to do with perversion of an idea? Well, I'll tell you. What sort of world do we live in when a man can search for such a decent and pure thing and get only garbage. What sort of world is this where hats, the building blocks of life aren't celebrated, they're perverted in communities full of tramps and hussies. What kind of world do we live in where I can't search for communities about hats, and not find communities about hats?

I'll tell you: a pretty damn scary one.

Damn you Interwebnation Superhighway, damn you and your transportation of ideas to the masses.

You've won the battle... but the war is still going on. Remain vigilant humble readers, and always ALWAYS remember what you're fighting for.

OMG hat

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

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