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Lemon Party
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
But each day when she walks to the sea, she looks straight ahead. Not at me.
Right now, I'm listening to Send In The Clowns as sung by Frank Sinatra, and man is it making me depressed. Not depressed in a Dashboard Confessional way, but depressed in a "Man, this song is depressing... but good" way. Needless to say, most of my generation doesn't even know who Frank Sinatra is, and before I continue I would like to take the time to tell Odovaucer to shut up. You were thinking it. (By it he means that he's a flagrant homosexual - Odovaucer)

Man... it's just... it's hard to go on, you know? Our humble blog has been putting along nicely for about... oh... six months. I don't know, but it's been a while hasn't it? We update, we pour our hearts and souls into this blog, we try to make the blog as amusing as it is awesome, which is no easy feat let me tell you. We're like SlackWare. We offer what we hope to be humor in blog form. Much like SlackWare, which offers the most unix-like linux, we offer the most non-blog like blog if that makes any sense. Which I'm sure it doesn't, man you readers are really getting the short end of the stick lately.

But what am I doing? Day before yesterday I told you all that I would do a long and boring update about something or other, and this doesn't seem to be something, or other. So I suppose that in a way I'm no longer holding up my end of the bargain, but first please. Hear me out. This is important to me. I've been searching you know... searching for... I don't know honestly, the answers maybe. Maybe not. That's not important though, what is important though, is my discovery.

I knew... God help me I knew that one day it would destroy us. Or at least try to, and today I have found the truth. I've been doing a lot of thinking, and to be very honest I have grown in the last few days, bothe (unnecessary e for posterity) emotionally and spiritually and truly I can see what a fool I've been. To everyone: I'm sorry, I just didn't know. I've been a fool, and it's my foolishness that might lead us to destruction. There is no truth beyond our truth, if that makes any sense. Which it doesn't, at least not to me. What is there to say? I have been a fool, blind to the real problem.

As you might guess from the link, once again it's hats that has led us to question our own self existence, our own need for importance. When searching for hats I came across a site. A site that was created before ours devoted to mocking LiveJournals. True, this is only one site, a community that is long dead. But that still raises the question, if there is one there might be many more. How many more? How many have spawned, how many have died, when will it all end? If that site, a community with two writers (well three), much like our own died out so quickly, what does that say about Lemon Party. True our reader base probably is slightly greater (only because of google), but still; how long will it take us to slowly fade out into obscurity, how long until we are lost in the sands of the Interwebnation Superhighway? Sites come and sites go, are we a young site with everything to gain? Or are we teetering on the edge of obscurity, doomed to fail.

Although, more importantly. How many blogs like ours, devoted to ridiculing the blog culture, how many have crumbled and how many still exist? It is with this question in mind, that I unveil the newest, and most important commandment. In the immortal words of Frank Sinatra (He probably wasn't the first person to sing the song, I'm too lazy to research):

A lady doesn't wander all over the room, and blow on some other guys dice (lol dice - Odovaucer).

Thou Shalt Have No Other Blogs Before Ours

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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