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Lemon Party
Monday, March 22, 2004
Bigotry is 313373
So anyway I was wondering. Why is it that stereotypes are so accurate? I mean they're not always true; we're not naive here, but there's a huge degree of accuracy in even the stupidest of them. A for instance: "Jews have horns." This is false (durr). But it grew up perfectly logically, albeit bizarrely. It all goes back to a mistranslation, or perhaps it was mistranscription. Whatever. The point is Moses came down from the Mountain (whose name currently eludes me). (It's Sinai, durr - Odovaucer) Anyhoo, they (Michelangelo that is) interpreted "Teh Bible" as saying that old Moses had horns when he came down from the mountain. It was some kind of figurative language going on in the old tongue; apparently "was radiating light" and "grew horns" are the same word. Whatever. Upshot is Jews have horns. Of course we know better now, and we instead hate them because they're niggardly(lollercaust).* Blah blah Mel Gibson blah blah South Park. Some jokes just write themselves.**

But Jews are a touchy subject because some people think they have rights. So let's switch to a more universal target. The French. No that's too easy, even for a shameless slacker such as me.*** What I'm talking about is redheads. Redheads. I hate redheads. But then who doesn't. All the stereotypes about redheads are true. The negative ones, that is. They're stupid, ugly, fat, and nasty. I could deal with most of that, but it's the passive-aggressive stuff that really gets me. Blondes are too stupid for it (redheads are dumb, but not that dumb), and brunettes have too much pride. But redheads... No shame, no shame at all. It ain't pretty and neither are they. And don't get me started on

I'm sorry. I seem to have become distracted from the blogging issue. So here's a blogging message, a commandment of sorts, if you will:

Ah, Satan Sees Natasha

Wait, no. I was going to say something about redheads. How about this:

And remember the reusable gimmick, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

Does that gimmick ever get old? I didn't actually want to leave with quite that message though. Oh yeah, Redheads. Jesus Christ, they've come together to celebrate their deformity how sick is that? I couldn't agree more. Redheads. They're everywhere, and shockingly enough they're brazen about it. No attempts to hide their stigmata; they flaunt it, so-called "Dreamy Redheads." Pah. As if that wasn't enough pain for you, it gets worse. Some are so deluded that they actually die their hair to join this degraded pariah community. And of course the irony is transparent: no dye job could ever be confused for natural red hair. You aren't fooling anyone. No one. Well except blind people. But they don't count because they don't care what color your hair is. And of course that's because they're locked away far from your sanitariums in special physical therapy clinics. Or death camps. I get them confused sometimes. Redheads.**** Pshaw.

And remember the reusable gimmick, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

*This is called talent and artistry. In a discussion of one justifiable type of bigotry I've subtly woven in references to another justifiable facet of bigotry. This facet is known as GET A FUCKING DICTIONARY YOU MONGREL MONGOLOID!*****

**Ok, that joke didn't write itself. Someone else wrote it, which is almost as good, amirite?

***If you thought that should have been myself I will hunt you down and cram "Woe is I" down your illiterate redneck throat.******

****Any counter to the reviling of redheads is false and naive. If you thought there was a shred of inaccuracy in this entry, you most likely have never seen a redhead*******

*****Speaking of subtlety, it was not displayed in that previous note. But then, this site is directed at bloggers, so I feel I have to explain some things.

******Yes of course your throat has a red neck.

*******IN BED!
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