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Lemon Party
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
Wake Up Number Twenty-Seven
Contrary to popular belief I am not dead. Yes, popular belief is a double entendre. No, I don't mind that you have to go look that up. Yes, I realise this is not actually a conversation. No, I don't care. No, I don't care that it looks strange when I randomly use the British spelling. Yes, this style is beginning to irritate even me.

Right, so anyway, I'm here to tell you that I am still alive. I haven't posted here in a while for a variety of reasons. First and foremost is my ADD. *Sob* No one understands the pain, oh woe is me, woe is me. *Cries* No I don't have ADD. I've just been fucking lazy. My bad. Whatever. But something else is going on. Lemon Party is growing a sister site. You see, with the demise of Goatse I have come to realize that nothing is permanent; everything is ephemeral. Life itself is fleeting, how can the internet be anything but evanescent? (By the way that link is work safe. You have nothing to fear from that site as it has been taken off the internet.) Anyway, the "other" site will be similar in essence, but different in mechanics. I would go into further details, but I have been sworn to silence by a mysterious entity known by the maddeningly anonymous identification of "J. W. Bobbit."

However, just to let you know that I have indeed been paying attention to the enemy, that is to say shitty blogs, I present to you the following. I have jumped on the bandwagon, the survey craze that is sweeping the blogging community. It is an infuriating little number, describing yourself using only the songs of a favorite musical group or performer. Unsurprisingly there is a whole lot of Bright Eyes, Weezer, Pixies, and Dashboard Confessional. I, however, will now show you how to make a survey response great.

Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:: Scatman John

Are you female or male:: Scatman
Describe yourself:: Scatman
How do some people feel about you:: Scatman
How do you feel about yourself:: Scatman
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:: Scatman
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:: Scatman
Describe where you want to be:: Scatman
Describe what you want to be:: Scatman
Describe how you try live:: Scatman
Describe how you love:: Scatman
Share a few words of wisdom:: Scatman

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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