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Lemon Party
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
New Feature and don't delete
I haven't announced this fellow as a LemonParty staff member. That's because he isn't. He has posting rights, but he has not yet become a member of the community, he has not yet developed the necessary prerequisites; he has not yet proven himself to his elders. In fact his position here is tenuous to say the least. The details of his writing arrangement can be found here - Odovaucer

Its the newest freature of them all, thats right I spelled it freature, when it's supposed to be spelled feature, fuck you turtle07,
Moving on now, this new feature is to talk about stuff, that is interesting and unboring, such as why Al Gore is turtle07:

#1 Did you ever notice that you have never seen them together... I haven't seen them together either.

#2 Did you ever get the feeling that turtle07's post where not bipartisan.

#3 Did you know that both Al Gore and turtle07 like pickles on their pizza.

#4 Both Al Gore and turtle07 are the devil's and evil alter-ego Kate's son

#5 They both have hair

#6 They have both claimed to have invented the internet

#7 They both live in the basement and grow really long beards, and then cut them off.

#8 They both have a tendency to lose their home state when running for office

turtle07 is a good kind person

turtle07 is in fact Al Gore the demon spawn of all evil

turtle07 doesn't eat children

Al Gore (turtle07) is known for his apitite for young human males

turtle07 is not power hungry

He is and he will even stoop to supporting Dean to get some attention

You've compared the Facts and the Myths, and the other stuff and have probably come to a conclusion, Al Gore is turtle07 and vice-versa.
If you did not then you are really really stupid.

And don't delete me or elseLemon Party,
is bound to lose a good person, and I won't be your friend anymore
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