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Lemon Party
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
In the Ghetto Now
It's occurred to me that racism is fun. Not just fun, but also awesome and perfectly acceptable. To say the least. I mean it allows me to despise people I've never even heard of, let alone met. It's really the negroes that get me though. I mean they're just so, so black.

But that's not a very lemony sentiment is it? No no no, The Party is about equality. Equality of hatred, but equality nonetheless. We'll hate whites, goths, punks, emo, brunettes, virgins, highschool students, artists, women, dancers, men, asians, athletes, teeny-boppers, plushies, furries, nerds, sluts, Congressmen, small business owners, kindergardeners, fat kids, pimps, and negroes and more. Just as long as they're stupid and run shitty blogs. That's the glory of this site, you see. Well that and the fact that we don't really hate you. We just think you have so much potential; you have real, worthwhile personalities thrust down below your idiocies. And we wish to evoke that more beautiful part of you. And so we shall, so we shall. But in the meantime, well I'm hoping you can figure out what's wrong with this picture. Yes, we're running a bit of gimmick here. The idea is that readers should have developed a sense of what's right and proper and what's...welll not. Feel free to give it a try with this handily pre-selected target. Some problems are obvious, some a little less so. Give it a look and feel free to comment your review here or there. Or email partyoflemon@hotmail.com with your most scathing.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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