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Lemon Party
Thursday, January 15, 2004
Lemon Party, a tale of intrigue, death, and mystery is temporarily out of service, we ask that you please remain in your seats and stay calm, please try to contact your neighbor ASAP to let him/her know the news.

We have set up a temporary refuge from the storm in some old discarded refrigerator boxes, we will be broadcasting all night from our locations so we ask that you bear with us and do not tune out too soon, there may be something interesting happening. This is Ted Trumpet, and we'll brb.

No, you didn't misread, I actually said 'brb'. B R fucking B, that's right motherbitches, brb. You've gotta wonder why the hell I wrote brb, I mean I'm writing in a blog, I have all the time in the world. It's not like I have to pump these things out every ten minutes or some tiny martian will give me a powerful shock and then lay eggs in my brain. No, I write these entries when I want to write entries. This isn't a chatroom where I have to pump out "OMG brb jony dep is hawtt" every five seconds or else you'll lose interest, no it's a god damned blog. Using those acronyms are almost as bad as writing a two line entry explaining to use that, while you are very sorry that you haven't updated in a while there is STILL nothing to update about. Nice update jackass. As much as I hate your inane retarded bullshit if you're going to do a blog, do it right. If you're going to complain about your life, go ahead and bitch and whine. Girlfriend leave you? Glad to hear about it you pathetic waste of flesh, really I am. I'm sure that if I was actually talking about someone I wouldn't be nearly so mean, but the guy that I'm imagining in my head is at least a metric ton and doesn't shower. But when you start adding in ASCII emoticons, the emotion sentences, song lyrics, shitty poems, useless quizzes claiming that if you were a drow then you'd lolth, never mind that lolth is a goddess and you're a god damned waste of flesh.

There are probably other laws that this person is breaking as well, but honestly I can't remember every single commandment that we've done, and I'm pretty sure that those are all of the ones that I've done. There was that one about listening to the people who comment in your blog, but honestly if they're friends with you then they probably won't be putting out very many useful comments.

Now I've lost my train of thought... where was I? Oh yea, you're a metric ton, you don't bathe, and you wonder why your girlfriend left you. Please, tell us about it. I'm going to ask however that you do not post song lyrics, shitty poems (except when you're asking for critique), ASCII emoticons showing you crying [ :*( ;_; ], and a goddamn *sniffles* every five lines ( 8=====>~~ - Odovaucer).

That's a lot I know, and if you can survive not putting all of that in your blog then you're probably going to avoid the next problem, acronyms. I mean sure lots are fine to use. Like PC, or TV, or even NASA, but try and avoid if you will acronyms like: BRB, AFK, and the ever popular LOL. Like I said earlier, you have all the time in the world, there's no reason that you have to pump out an entry every five minutes. Get a glass of water, sit down and think for a moment, and then begin typing your entry.

Sure, I'll read about your shitty life, but when the updates become two lines long and also (somehow) random disjointed pieces of shit with acronyms like LOL every three words, then I may have to ask that you respectfully stop using a blog until you pass some sort of English course.

Blogs are hard work, we understand that. But honestly it shouldn't be too hard to put out a paragraph once every three days detailing your trip to the mall that isn't so worthless that I can't begin to describe how little worth it has.

We've been over this time and time again, it makes your blog look like shit and makes your intelligence look sub par (which may be true, but hell, there's gotta be at least a few reasonably intelligent people out there).

Once again people, PLEASE try and remember:

Thou Shalt Not Use Acronyms (except when sanctioned by The Party)

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.

On a different note, dfjawioeraiod, you are leeching FROM the FBI, that's probably a felony of some sort.

And Carverbuns, who is sitting right next to me (last rites), hopes that this not only ruins your day, but also rapes your dog in the ass.
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