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Lemon Party
Thursday, January 08, 2004
But wait a minute... Something's wrong!
I just thought that I'd let you all know that the song that I am currently listening too is "Spoon - The way we get by". Many journals/blogs have a place for you to enter whatever song you were currently listening too, and as Lemon party embodies all the really horrible traits of blogs/journals (I only make the distinction as it is usually live/deadjournals that have that incredibly retarded feature) I have decided that instead of taking 3-4 words depending on the songs name/bands name, I am taking a good few sentences, perhaps even a small paragraph to tell you what song I'm listening to. At this moment you probably think that you're incredibly clever. "turtle_07" you say "I know what this update is about, it's about those boxes that tell me what song you're listening too. I've been studying your blog and I realize how retarded it is."

This person is wrong. Nevermind the fact that they are moving in the right direction, but we at Lemon Party are just too clever for that, so I misled you. If you haven't been misled than you're either too smart to be fooled by that, or too stupid to understand what the hell is going on. Odds are it's the latter.

Onward and upward as I, and many others, always say. We must continue on with this update, and so I would like to bring to the court's attention this blog. This blog is incredibly retarded, I mean it's one of those "I'm so different and randomly hilarious" 14 year old goth girls (or I'm going to assume that she's 14). Now, how do I know this? First off her name is Mandy, second off her blogs address is www.deadjournal.com/users/vampiresslover5. Note the second S, that means she thinks she thinks she is in fact a vampire, not just someone who loves them. I'm going to assume she thinks that gives her power beyond my wildest dreams. But that's not the point, the point is that she's stupid, meaning that not only is she probably some sort of slut, but she also mentions vampires, meaning that she's probably some sort of Satan worshipping "oh so different" goth girl. (Actually goths are different from you and me. They're much stupider. Here's a rough chart of intellect Me>Bill Gates>preps>you>stoners>jocks>George W. Bush>goths>paramecia. As you can see goths are rather low on the intellience chart. - Odovaucer)

Now keep in mind that this is just a hypothesis and I have no actual proof that she is what I claim, but sometimes we at Lemon Party we have to make things up to keep our blog afloat.

But for all it's stupidity (to which there is a lot) there is a more serious problem. I mean you'd figure that if you actually checked that journal regularly you'd probably have some sort of connection to the person and as such would know who they are. But noooooooooo this person feels the need to SIGN every single one of their posts. I don't mean sign as in our very swank Lemon Party signature, I mean signing every single one of your posts with your name. If you're reading the journal often you probably know who they are; if you don't check it very often then you probably don't care. I mean you're going to throw around the names of your teachers who we have no clue about and not go into any detail but somehow feel the need to remind us that yes, you are still Mandy. Am I the ONLY one that finds something wrong with that?

So, in conclusion:

Thou shalt not sign thy entry when it is easily apparent who is updating

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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