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Lemon Party
Thursday, January 29, 2004
Blogster McBloggy Blog
I'm still waiting on more ideas for what I should write about. I know that you people are there, currently we do have 20 some unique views and no one is giving me ideas. A long time ago I posted about not getting comments and somehow we were able to scrounge up about four people. One of them is our newest member, who, after making fun of me for asking for comments tried to insult me. Whatever happened, we had a jolly good time. Especially me, who copy and pasted his name I believe no less than 20 times in the next update. I would copy and paste it for you nice kids now, but the comment system when down and we lost the stream of gibberish that eventually turned into one of our least prominent posters. That's all in the psat now. No, I didn't misspell past, there will be a test later.

As I said in my previous post, no commandments for today, and more than likely no more commandments from me ever. So until I can think (or you give me ideas HINT MOTHERFUCKING HINT) I will be doing a small and short lived feature called: Stop Living You God damned Shit Heads.

SLYGDSH is where I, the writer and head chef, tell you, the viewers and pastry, how much I want you to stop living. Not you of course, but you, the bloggers. Anyway, I'll find a few blogs that I hate and want to kill... with a knife... and post them... with a knife...

Anyway, we're on a first blog. Don't you hate it when your friends who are taking Spanish decide to start talking smack about you behind your back? It's kind of the opposite of that... I think. Anyway, I don't just hate English speakers, I hate foreign languages too. Especially when their alphabet is gibberish. I've found so many blogs that just look positively retarded only to find out that they're in Russian. How hard it is to speak English anyway? Shit heads.

Let's face it, I hate you. I hate your taste in music, I hate your inane ramblings, I hate your dog, I hate your mother, and I hate your god damned blog layout! It's like the normal layout... ONLY PINK! What the hell kind of idea was that? Let's take the normal ugly layout and then make it bright pink. Everything is pink, it's like a 5 year old girls bedroom. Usually I would make a reference to their intelligence, stating that it was probably on par with the five year olds. This time however, I'm not going to.

To be honest this isn't as fun or as amusing as I thought it would be. But instead of erasing this all and starting over with a better update, I'm just going to change topics immediately. To what I'm not sure about yet, normally I sort of have a general idea in mind and then go from there. This time though I think that I'll just start typing things until I get something good.


Good.... good like soviet Russia! I think... oh this isn't going very well. Honestly, I tried. I blame all of you. Had you actually given me ideas in my previous update I could be trying them out right now, with hilarious results. But instead I have to write this entry dealing with Soviet Russia. WHO THE FUCK WRITES ABOUT SOVIET RUSSIA THESE DAYS?! I sure as fuck didn't want to, but NOOOOO you had to reduce me to it, pieces of shit.

That's it, this entry is over, there is nothing else to say. I hope that you all are happy for yourselves.

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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