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Lemon Party
Sunday, December 14, 2003
What am I, chopped liver?
There have been problems here at LemonParty, no I won't go into the details but one of our members is dead and the other is a mental ward. However that's not what this post is about; this post is about LemonParty's state of being, and as it would happen, it's ailing.

Now before you decide to tell me that you're a doctor and this is the healthiest blog you've ever seen, let me try something philosophical. If there was no one there to interact with you, do you really exist? That is to say, if your actions make no impact on someone else are you really there?

Scientists have proven that no, you arn't. Which as you can see is a problem.

We have had all of 6 people comment (excluding the lemonparty crew), only 6 people in LemonParty's long career. These people are:

Kira at college

This is a problem and since the scientists have also decided that if a group of people are an entity then they can't use each other to validate their existance. As the Spanish would say: "Que Problema!"

I mean if you mozy on over to this blog you'll notice that this person gets an orgy of comments, ranging anywhere from "woo first comment, i'm a dumbass who has nothing better to do than look for blogs and post first comment" to "I'm sorry to hear of your pain dude"

Either way this kid get's at least 10-20 comments per post! According to scientists he is now some sort of demi-god.

LemonParty, a hilarious blog that is fun for the whole family chocked full of wholesome blogger information and family fun is averaging .2 comments (originals, not us) per post. We are very very close to becoming insubstantial, and as such I felt that the best thing to do would be to bring this problem to the readers of this blog, and seeing as there are none of you we are sure to fade out.

I know that you have spent a long time reading that, but I have one request, if you somehow stumble upon this blog and read this. Please, tell my wife that I love her and never meant to hurt her.

Thank you.

Edit: To all those who believe that this a desperate ploy for comments, I can only tell you the truth, it is not that. This is something far deeper, a look into humans and philosophy. If you do not understand the entry, then please do yourself a favor and make a delicious sandwhich packed full of your favorite foodstuffs, because I can promise you that in 50 years, my name will still be Andrew

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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