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Lemon Party
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Three periods form what is known as an ellipsis...
And now, onto our regularly scheduled updates. While it was exciting hearing the Rampant Idiocy (TM) of dfjawioeraiodklsajfsjadlkjsdfalkjwaioeufjv m,cnm,n efjl ihjdioasjuriowaejfio fjsdlaj]]]]qwoqkeop;kda;lfks;dfkdfasgfagdsfa, we need to move onto more important things. Namely you (you) knowing how to blog correctly.

Our current entry doesn't deal with your content at all, in fact it deals with your ability to search the interwebnation superhighway. As any idiot (even dfjawioeraiodklsajfsjadlkjsdfalkjwaioeufjv m,cnm,n efjl ihjdioasjuriowaejfio fjsdlaj]]]]qwoqkeop;kda;lfks;dfkdfasgfagdsfa) should know, there are these things called search engines; the most popular of which is google. Come on and try searching for say... online journal! The very first response given back, highlighted in pink is "Make an online weblog" with blogger! Huzzah! Other popular ones include Deadjournal and Livejournal. You may have heard about those from your friends because every single person alive uses one. What on earth possesses people to go out and try to find an alternative hosting site for their blog is probably what also makes them post shitty poetry about how their world is an eternally eclipsed moon. Yea, fuck that shit.

Now i'm not saying all alternative web logs are bad and should be shot (And how would you go about shooting a web log? - A puzzled Odovaucer), but if you are going to look for one to try, at least make sure it's remotely decent and not one of those pop-up spewing cesspools. I mean seriously, if you're going to go to that site on a regular basis to update, and you expect me to check it and post sympathetic comments because you're a failure and your boyfriend broke up with you then at least make sure that i'm not bombarded by things telling me that my computer has spyware on it and to buy puppies over the internet.

This person made the mistake of choosing EasyJournal. Two banner ads and a pop up? No fucking thanks, go look for sympathy somewhere else bitch!

Now, let's go over what we've learned.

1) You're a fucking retarded bitch
2) You have a blog
3) Did I mention that you're a stupid bitch?
4) Choose a blog that doesn't bombard me with incredible deals, if I wanted to get life insurance I would do it like everyone else, through my email
5) (Classified)

Thou Shalt Not Choose A Blog That Is offensive To Thine Reader's Eyes

And remember the guiding light, lest we forget the glory that be Lemon Party.
Because your blog sucks.
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